New vestry members: Serving through January 2027

Marty Nelson

Congratulations to our new vestry members: Sue Guptill, Marty Nelson, Jeff Pitts, and Mike Uhl. The new members will serve three-year terms through January of 2027. Huge thanks to all the nominees who were willing to serve!
Thanks also to everyone who participated in Sunday’s annual meeting. It was a joy to be together, celebrate last year’s work, and look toward the future.
In case you missed the meeting, Maryann and vestry members spoke about last year’s successes and challenges, discussed the parish’s finances, gave ministry and discernment updates, and looked forward to future opportunities. Plus we had a lightning visioning session with Rebecca Hix!
Keep scrolling for more!
Maryann’s State-of-the-Church address
During her sermon, the Rev. Maryann D. Younger delivered her third annual State-of-the-Church Address: “Mountain Tops and Hard Work, Church at its Best.” Download text
Lightning Visioning
One of the most fun parts of this year’s annual meeting was our lightning round of visioning. Rebecca Hix, our new senior warden, led us in exploring the question, “What’s one way you know God is active at St. Philip’s?” Here are the responses!
Participate in lightning visioning: If you haven’t uploaded your visioning photo from last Sunday – or you’d like to take one now – it’s not too late. Here’s how:
- If you haven’t already, take 30 seconds to answer, “What’s one way you know God is active at St. Philip’s?” on an index card or piece of paper.
- Take a photo of yourself (or have a friend take your photo) holding your answer.
- Click here to upload your photo.