Twenties and Thirties Ministry
Singles and couples alike are welcome to hang out and get to know other young adults at St. Philip’s. We usually meet on the third Sunday of the month.

Beer & Bull
This men’s group provides service opportunities, as well as a relaxed atmosphere where men talk about faith, politics, sports, and just about anything else. We have conducted “yard blitzes” as J2A Auction items, helped put on the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and provided “security” during the Vigil of Tenebrae. We meet at 7:30 pm on the 1st Monday of the month. While most partake of our namesake beer, we welcome soda and water drinkers as well!

The greeters work to welcome visitors and new members. On Sundays, our greeters are present in the church following the service and at social hours to help visitors and new members get connected with others and providing welcome cards and other information.

Health and Wholeness Ministry
The Heath and Wholeness Ministry is charged under the 2nd Mark of Mission. Its goal is to promote wellness in body, mind, and spirit and to support programs that nurture St. Philip’s as a place of wholeness and health. We define health as a state of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease.

Helping Hands
Our Helping Hands ministry delivers meals and provides support for St. Philippians at times of need. When life is disrupted by illness or by the joyful chaos of a new baby or child, our members show their care for one another through this ministry of loving service. To request meals, please contact the clergy. If you’d like to participate in this important ministry by providing meals or assisting with the organization, please check the Pastoral Updates emails or contact the clergy.

Ladies’ Breakfast
Breakfast with ladies of every age takes place at 9 a.m. at Foster’s Market on the first Wednesday of every month. This monthly fellowship is a great way to get to know people beyond the “Peace” in church.

Office Volunteers
Volunteers work at the reception desk in the parish offices during normal business hours. Their duties include answering the phones and greeting visitors, data entry, processing weekly offerings, making copies, assisting with mailings, and many other general office duties.

Old Guys’ Breakfast
Breakfast with our “older” men takes place at 9 a.m. at the Refectory Café on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the year. All manner of subjects are discussed, most in a light-hearted way, and it’s a great opportunity for those attending our different Sunday services to get to know each other through this monthly fellowship.

Pastoral Care Ministry
We care for one another through our pastoral care ministries. To request prayer, connection, and support in times of need, please contact the clergy. Visits and home communions, the parish prayer list, and various opportunities for fellowship and support are all part of our ongoing ministry of pastoral care.

St. Philip’s Book Group
Parishioners are invited to join this group for fellowship. For February-June 2024, meetings are the third Sunday of each month in the parlor after the 11 a.m. service. Stay tuned for the fall 2024 schedule.

Upcoming 2024 book selections:
February 18 – How We Learn to Be Brave
March 17 – The Marriage Portrait
April 21 – The Road to Dalton
May 19 – The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store
June 16 – Crow Mary 

Stewardship Committee
The committee cultivates stewardship as a form of ministry within our beloved community. It seeks to discern the presence of God’s abundance in our lives and, through the uplifting and graceful sharing of this abundance, to strengthen and deepen our relationship with God and one another. We lead educational programs and participate in our annual pledge campaign.

Sunday Social Hours
Refreshments are provided in the Parish Hall following all Sunday services. The Sunday Social Hour ministry arranges for the food, hosts the gatherings, and takes care of setup and cleanup. We now compost our food and serving waste. Volunteers are welcome! We appreciate donations for weekly social hours or special occasions, and assistance with setup and cleanup is always needed.

Share your time and talent in helping to lead our dynamic parish. The Vestry allows for personal and spiritual growth while supporting the many ministries and activities of the church.

Welcome Ministry
Our welcome ministry hosts 3 – 4 welcome events each year.  These events serve to welcome and assist newcomers to St. Philip’s by providing information about the church and by helping them to connect with both parishioners and ministries.

What’s Going On with Hospitality Ministries