St. Philip’s is a church for all people.
Everyone is invited to join us for worship.
Nursery care is available in the Parish House from 8:45 AM – 12:15 PM.
Coffee and social time is offered after each service.
8 AM – Eucharist
In person – Chapel
This is a simple said service without music.
9 AM – Intergenerational Service with Eucharist
In person – Parish Hall
This service uses inclusive language and is intentionally planned for all ages.
10 AM – Formation Hour
Sunday Adult Forum – In person (Parish House) and Online (Zoom)
Children’s Formation – Parish House, 2nd floor
Youth Formation – Parish House, lower level
11 AM – Eucharist with Choir
In person – Church
Online – Facebook, YouTube | Bulletin | Bulletin insert
This is a traditional service with music and singing.
Following 11 AM service – Social Hour
In person – Parish Hall
5:30 PM – Eucharist
In-Person – Church
This is a simple service led from the Book of Common Prayer.
* 5:30 PM First Wednesdays – Healing Eucharist
In-Person – Church
On the first Wednesday of every month, the 5:30 Eucharist is a public healing Eucharist with prayers, anointing, and laying on of hands for those who wish it.
Check out other Wednesday Night activities
COVID Response: We continue to monitor the rate of transmission in Durham County. While the rate remains in the low or medium categories, masks will be optional at all indoor services and events.
St. Philip’s, as a church for all people, is a seven-day-a-week parish. Sunday feeds us and prepares us to go out into the world ministering to others and our fellow parishioners. It is a spirit-filled place.
Parishioner Rebecca Hix