St. Philippians serve God, one another and our community.
“The lay leadership is so strong at St.Philip’s. We are lucky because it seems to me that the people who come to St.P are committed. They want to come, grow, work, be spiritually fed.”
Parishioner Anne Boyer

Service Ministries
Responding to human need by loving service.

Creation Care Ministries
Striving to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Hospitality Ministries
Nurturing God in each other.

Justice Ministries
Seeking to transform unjust structures of society; challenging violence of every kind; and pursuing peace and reconciliation.

Education Ministries
Teaching, baptizing, and nurturing new believers.

Worship Ministries
Proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom.
St. Philip’s ministries are organized according to “The Five Marks of Mission” of the Anglican Communion. Developed by the Anglican Consultative Council between 1984 and 1990, the Marks of Mission have given parishes and dioceses around the world a practical “checklist” for the vision and purpose of mission activities. The Five Marks are Worship, Nurture, Service, Justice, and Creation Care.
St. Philip’s Marks of Mission Team coordinates all our parish ministries in order to better support and strengthen them. The members of this team meet with ministry leaders according to the “Mark” their ministry falls under in order to help them address needs and concerns, examine leadership opportunities and challenges, provide a sharper focus for their ministry’s mission, and discern possible opportunities to partner with other ministry initiatives.