Investing in our Vision
In 2024, we’re visioning about our dreams for St. Philip’s.
With your pledge, in 2025 we’ll invest in growing that vision into reality.
Our parish visioning work is ongoing, but so far three priorities have emerged:

Families: Expanding programs to serve the growing number of families in our community

Music: Giving glory to God through hymnody, children’s offerings, and joyful, inspiring anthems

Campus: Addressing deferred maintenance, upgrading technology, improving energy efficiency
Stewardship Events
Pledges can be submitted anytime – online, in person at church, in the mail – between September 8 and October 13. Everyone who pledges will have the opportunity to present a pledge card at the altar on Commitment Sunday on October 13.
How to approach pledging
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to pledging. It’s a personal decision; financial circumstances change; and you should always give out of gratitude, not guilt.
Every pledge counts!
Newcomers and longtimers alike:
Pledging is an expression of your commitment to our life in Christ together.

How much to pledge?

Proportional Giving can be a % of your income that feels right. For example, some may start with 2-4 %, with the goal to increase over time.

Fixed Giving is a way to set a goal for every month or week to set aside for the church. One approach is to consider savings converted to giving. For example, if you save $3.50 a day it can become a $100 monthly pledge.

Give Until it Feels Good means to listen to what your heart is telling you to give. What level of support connects us more deeply with our purpose as a church community.
Pledge Online

This year you can make your pledge in our online member portal.
Pledging online is quick and easy and streamlines work for our office staff. Please also consider paying your pledge in installments throughout the year – this helps with planning our financial commitments.
How to Pledge Online
- Click “Pledge Now” and you’ll be directed to fill in your pledge amount.
- Enter the amount of your pledge payment and select the frequency (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc). The form will tally up your total pledge.
- Click “Save Pledge,” and you’ll see a confirmation page. Click the box at the bottom to enter your payment information.
- Confirm your pledge amount, then click “Continue.”
- Enter your credit card or bank draft information, and click “Give” to complete your pledge.
Thank you!
Need Help?
Contact Amanda in the church office: 919-682-5708 •
Prefer paper?
Click below to download paper pledge forms.
Reach out to Stewardship Co-Chairs Laura Nichols and Treat Harvey.