Take Care
How often do you say to someone “take care”? As stewards of God’s gifts, we are called upon to do more than wish for someone to take care of themselves. We are called to actively participate in caring for others. With that in mind, we thought it might be meaningful to share some examples of the ways that we continue to “take care” here at St. Philip’s.
Caring for Our Community
St. Philippians have worked to spread God’s love in our community by walking alongside those in need, feeding the hungry, witnessing to injustice, teaching our children, and supporting the good works of others.
The Prison Ministry eases the loneliness and anxiety of detainees in the Durham County Jail. We support Urban Ministries of Durham through the Sandwich Brigade, periodic food drives, providing gift bags for UMD residents on holidays, and serving meals. The Racial Justice and Reconciliation ministry is shepherding a second group of parishioners through the Sacred Ground program, and the Truth-Telling Project is continuing to gather parishioners’ stories. Last year the students in the Latino Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) preschool were able to visit The Trees for outdoor enrichment, and we are collaborating on an Outdoor Classroom with them.
Over the last year, almost $60,000 in St. Philip’s Outreach Funds were distributed in support of diverse programs including El Buen Pastor, Durham Congregations in Action, Durham CAN, Johnson Service Corp, LGBT Outreach, Episcopal Farmworkers, Global Missions, and our Racial Justice & Reconciliation ministry. In addition, Outreach disbursed over $38,000 to Urban Ministries of Durham and nearly $11,000 to the Latino Educational Assistance Partnership.
You can participate in these ministries!
Here’s who to contact for more info:
Prison Ministry: Mike Sistrom
UMD Support: Stephanie Johnson
Racial Justice & Reconciliation: Amanda Fratrik

Caring for Each Other
The Old Guys’ and Ladies’ Breakfast groups are a great way to get to know each other more deeply and to meet people who attend other services.
The Daughters of the King are a support network that visits, calls and writes notes to isolated parishioners, honors individual requests for daily prayer, and uplift each other with monthly meetings and study programs.
Altar Guild members are essential and unsung! This is a prayerful ministry of behind-the-scenes work that enables every worship service by preparing vessels, linens, books and communion supplies.
The Funeral Guild is a ministry of condolence and support that hosts funeral receptions at the church, providing food as well as set-up, serving and clean-up.
The Social Hour Ministry makes coffee and snacks available after each Sunday service in a spirit of hospitality and welcome so that we can linger and enjoy each other’s company.
Our St. Philip’s Staff develop programs of worship (planning liturgical music, preparing bulletins, etc.), Christian formation for all ages, and connection. Moreover, being fully staffed allows Gabe and Maryann to make pastoral care visits, knowing that the office is covered.
You can participate in these ministries!
Here’s who to contact for more info:
Breakfasts: Mick Capon and Darrell Powell
Daughters of the King: Judy Pearson
Altar Guild: Pamela Njai
Funeral Guild: Pam Denning
Social Hour: Marjorie Miller

Caring for Our Planet
The Outdoor Learning Collaborative – a joint ministry of St. Philip’s and St. Titus – has planted of a sensory garden, installed bird feeders, bird houses and a bird bath, and renovated a pollinator bed at Fayetteville Street Elementary School. This group plans to extend the model to additional schools this year.
St Philip’s family ministries held three Creation Care Day Camps in Summer 2021 for 10-20 participants each camp. Children enjoyed playing in the open woods at The Trees and enjoyed celebratory songs and prayers thanking God for all this beauty.
Worship at The Trees was held during Advent 2021 and Summer 2022, with 30-60 people attending each week. In addition, The Trees has hosted weekly Prayers & Poetry, two Quiet Day Retreats, and several meetings of the Vestry and various committees.
Since the solar panels were installed in 2019, over 71,000 lbs of CO2 emissions have been avoided! That’s equivalent to planting 538 trees over that time. The Creation Care Committee will take the lead in developing partnerships locally in order to plant tree seedlings donated as a part of this fall’s pledge drive.
You can participate in these ministries!
Here’s who to contact for more info:
Outdoor Learning Collaboration: Sue Guptil
The Trees: Elizabeth Newman
Creation Care Committee: Alexa McKerrow

Stewardship 2023

This list is just some of the good work happening at St. Philip’s. Join us in caring for each other and all God’s creation.
One way to participate is by making a pledge to support the work of the parish. Pledge information is available on our website. Please consider returning your pledge by Commitment Sunday on October 23rd.