On Wednesday evenings we come together for food, fellowship and spiritual formation. Come as you are.

5:30 PM – Eucharist
In-Person – Church
This is a simple service led from the Book of Common Prayer.

* 5:30 PM First Wednesdays – Healing Eucharist
In-Person – Church
On the first Wednesday of every month, the 5:30 Eucharist is a public healing Eucharist with prayers, anointing, and laying on of hands for those who wish it.

5:30 – 6:30 PM – Wednesday Night Community Dinner
Parish Hall
Come enjoy dinner and fellowship. Chef Toni will cook.

6:30-7 PM – Handbell Choir
Room B-1 (Parish House, lower level)
All ages welcome. Participants focus on rhythm and learn other elements of music theory. They occasionally play during worship services. Anyone of reading age

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM
Engage! – our Wednesday night programming series – meets in person (in the parish house library) and online (on Zoom).

Upcoming Engage! sessions:

Lenten Book Study: Becoming Human by Brian G. Taylor – Wednesdays during Lent: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 • 6:30 PM – During Lent, the whole parish is invited to read a short chapter a day of Becoming Human. Taylor’s succinct summations of what Jesus taught―Don’t worry; Love everybody; Help the poor; Become simple; Face into conflict; Change the world; Forgive yourself for being human, and so on―provide the basis for this series of reflections on the transformative wisdom that inspired those who had ears to hear to drop everything and follow him. We’ll gather for discussion of the past week’s readings on Wednesday nights at 6:30.

Get the book | Download the reading schedule

For more information, please contact
Gabe Lamazares, Associate Rector

COVID Response: We continue to monitor the rate of transmission in Durham County. While the rate remains in the low or medium categories, masks will be optional at all indoor services and events.