Wednesday, August 28, 5:30 p.m.

Who’s God calling us to be on this corner of Main Street in Durham, North Carolina? We’re super excited to be finding out with you! So excited that we’re having…
A Visioning Extravaganza!
Wednesday, August 28
5:30 p.m. – Dinner
6:30 p.m. – Visioning celebration
Parish Hall
Come for the dinner, stay for the celebration. You may even see yourself on the big screen! The evening’s line-up includes a movie featuring St. Philippians, engaging intergenerational conversations, and more.
We’ll have vegetarian dinner options for those who need them. And childcare will be available for kids 5 years old and younger. (Older kids are invited to join in the visioning fun.)
RSVP by Wednesday, August 21, so we can get enough food for everyone. Can’t wait to see you there!