Annual Meeting and Vestry Elections
Sunday, February 11
Our annual meeting is Sunday, February 11. We’ll elect new vestry members, hear about the work of St. Philip’s over the past year, and look forward at things coming up in 2024. Join us!
Voting and the annual meeting start at 9 a.m.
Confirmed members age 16 and older may vote.
8:45 AM – Bagels and coffee – Parish Hall
9 AM – Annual meeting and voting begin – Parish Hall
10 AM – Eucharist with Choir – Church and Online (Facebook, YouTube) Download a bulletin
11:15 AM – More voting (as needed), the vestry’s annual report, and lunch – Parish Hall
Children’s activities will be available during the annual meeting.
Questions? Ask Senior Warden Connie Semans or the Rev. Maryann D. Younger.
Meet the Vestry Nominees

Sue Guptill
Preferred personal pronoun: She/her
Year joined St. Philip’s: 1983
Occupation: Public health (retired)
Ministry involvement: Current: Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee, Staffing Committee, Outdoor Learning Collaborative, Eucharistic Minister / Chalice Bearer, Lector, Intercessor, Ministry Scheduler for worship services. Past: Vestry (3 times), Global Ministries Committee, Stewardship Committee, Usher, Greeter, Rite 13 and J2A leader. Diocesan service: Dismantling Racism workshop team member (current); Diocesan Council (past, 2 terms); Racial Justice and Reconciliation (past, 2 terms)
Personal Statement
St. Philip’s is a vibrant parish with many strengths – and challenges. (A congregation without challenges is stagnant, though – challenges are healthy). Like all congregations, we are coming out of “COVID-tide” and trying to find our new normal. We have a large endowment – which, while a wonderful gift, also needs careful and responsible discernment. We have an amazing staff, but we need to be aware they do not take the place of faithful service by parishioners. We are now challenged by our bishops to take a deep look at our racial history and how we should make restitution for it. We want to foster close relationships with our community, from East Main Street to Liberia, that are meaningful and enriching. At the same time, while looking outward, we can never forget what sustains us is our care for each other. I have been a member of St. Philip’s for a very long time. We believe that with God’s help, we can follow Jesus and live lives of worship, service, and fellowship. My prayer is that we always have a vestry that is thoughtful, responsive, and brave.

Amanda Harrison
Preferred personal pronouns: She/her and they/them
Year joined St. Philip’s: 2022
Occupation: At-home parent
Ministry involvement: Currently serving as a Eucharistic minister, crucifer, and member of the In-reach Committee
Personal Statement
I moved to Durham in late 2021 with my wife and daughter. I was drawn to St. Philip’s because of the advertised welcome for LGBTQ+ folks and the active program for families with young children. I have grown to love St. Philip’s because of the people, the beautiful community, and the vibrant worship. I came to the Episcopal Church as a graduate student in 2009. I grew up in Evangelical Fundamentalism and left religion behind when I left home. I thought God and I were done – until the first time I saw a woman priest at the altar and found myself welcomed into the pews as an openly queer person! I spent the next twelve years at Christ Church in Kent, Ohio, where I served on vestry and other volunteer roles that taught me about the daily business of being a congregation during joyous yet lean times. Looking into the future with St. Philip’s, I am excited about upcoming challenges, such as refreshing the interior of the church while increasing accessibility. I am grateful to be considered for a role on vestry, and I am eager to bring my experience and enthusiasm for church life.

Amy Kiser
Preferred personal pronouns: She/her
Year joined St. Philip’s: 2023
Occupation: Home remodeler
Ministry involvement: None
Personal Statement
My wife, Sally Starrfield, and I came to St. Philip’s in search of a church with the same moral compass as ours: community outreach, all-inclusive environment, a sort of “walk the walk, talk the talk” church. God’s love and grace are evident here. The commitment, faith, and compassion of our parishioners inspires me to deepen my own faith and dedication to God and St. Philip’s. In my 3 years on vestry at another Durham Episcopal church, I learned and grew in my understanding of service to the church and its people and passion. I have 30+ years of experience working in the building and construction industry. I have owned and operated my own company since 2008. Being a business owner has taught me how to be a better listener, a people-person, and a problem solver. I believe that these skills, along with my true desire to help others, will serve me well on our vestry.

Marty Nelson
Preferred Personal Pronouns: She/her
Year you joined St. Philip’s: 2007
Occupation: Physician Assistant, Duke Children’s Primary Care
Ministry Involvement: Reader/intercessor, Youth Ministries Steering Committee, J2A youth leader, Kids-in-Action leader, Youth Minister search committee, Urban Ministries lunch crew
Personal Statement
I am a life-long Episcopalian and grew up as a member of All Saints Episcopal in Jackson, Mississippi. Throughout middle and high school, I spent many weekends and summers at diocesan retreats and summer camp. I loved our liturgy, even back then. To this day, the analogy of the 3-legged stool of faith – scripture, reason, and tradition – grounds me. We take comfort in tradition, we look to scripture for guidance, and we are called to look at both with a hefty dose of reason. In 2000, I relocated to Durham and spent several years participating in both the Quaker Meeting and St. Philip’s community before finally finding my home at St. Philip’s in 2007. I am called to support this community as it has supported my family and me. My children are grown, but I still attend the 9 a.m. service, and my soul is lifted by the number of young families at that service! We are a growing and vital community, as evidenced by the sheer numbers of young children, our partnership with Urban Ministries, and our anchoring role in downtown Durham! These areas of children/youth ministries and urban ministries resonate deeply with me. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to and supporting these vital aspects of St. Philip’s as a member of the vestry.

Jeff Pitts
Preferred Personal Pronouns: He/him
Year you joined St. Philip’s: 1996
Occupation: Engineer
Ministry Involvement: Videographer; Usher; Lector; Rite13, J2A, and YAC Leader; Catechist; Beer and Bull
Personal Statement
When we moved to Durham in 1995, we found a welcoming home at St. Philip’s. We loved the strong commitment to the city, the diversity of the congregation, and the spiritual engagement. Over these 28 years, the Episcopal Church, Durham, St. Philip’s, and our family, including our two sons, have changed and grown, and St. Philip’s has been a loving community to share the joys and challenges along the way. I am proud of St. Philip’s continuing commitment to Durham and to those who do not get to share in the wealth of our community. I look forward to new construction on our block. It will take a lot of collaborative problem solving and coordination to work through the changes this next phase will bring. Technology has opened new avenues for participation and outreach at St. Philips. I am grateful to be part of that effort and would like to use my computer and technology skills to support our changing needs to use technology as an effective tool to connect with others. Finally, I hope to use my experience helping with church facilities to keep St. Philip’s the warm and welcoming place it has always been for me.

John Sommerville
Preferred personal pronouns: He/him
Year joined St. Philip’s: 2016
Occupation: Professor of British History (retired)
Ministry involvement: Usher; Social Hour Coordinator; Library Organizer; serving at Duke’s Episcopal Center; Old Guy’s breakfast; Lector; Intercessor
Personal Statement
I love St.Philip’s because it’s a true community. That is, it’s able to combine love, action, and worship. And with the development going on all around us here in the downtown, we are in a good position to benefit from this growth, and to serve it. When that begins to happen, hospitality will be key. I’ve helped with ushering, social hour, serving at Duke’s Episcopal Center, the Old Guy’s breakfast, and as lector and intercessor. And I have generally looked out for newcomers to greet and tried to get their names. Jonah Kendall had me straighten up the library. And after a career as a professor of British history, I’ve lectured and served on the Board of Directors at Duke’s Center for Christianity and Scholarship. (My books, which are all in Duke and UNC’s libraries, are all, in some way, on religion and secularization.) Since I moved to St.Philip’s in 2016 to join my family here, the church has meant a great deal to me. I would like to help us discern our opportunities and possibilities as we witness to God’s love and truth.

Mike Uhl
Preferred Personal Pronouns: He/him
Year joined St. Philip’s: 2021
Occupation: Energy Engineer
Ministry Involvement: Facilities, The Trees
Personal Statement
My family joined St. Philip’s amidst COVID lockdowns and relocating, site-unseen, from our Episcopal parish in Connecticut. Only in the last year or two have we been able to enjoy more spaces of St. Philip’s, like the Durham campus and The Trees. These are where I find a unique pleasure and capacity to contribute to the St. Philip’s family and mission. I care for Creation and stewardship of these places and resources for our long-term impact and where we share life. My professional skillset is in financing, analyzing, designing, and managing thousands of building projects with energy savings. Do I have many talents? Nope. I simply have one that applies well to enriching old and new buildings with recent technology, optimizing financial performance, and enhancing the quality of what we experience inside. I want to share it.

We need one more nominee!
Our bylaws require that eight vestry nominees run for the four available vestry positions. We need one more nominee.
Is it you? If you’re willing to be nominated and help lead St. Philip’s, let us know!
Volunteer during announcements on Sunday, January 28, when we call for vestry nominations from the floor. Or email Senior Warden Connie Semans.