Saturday, April 8, 8 p.m.

We begin in darkness.

This Saturday night, we’ll gather to rekindle the flame that lights the paschal candle – a symbol of the light of Christ coming into the world.

But we begin in the dark. And even after the candles are lit, we wait. For what seems like an eternity.

While we wait, we listen to the stories of God’s people through the ages – beginning with creation, and following God’s saving deeds through history – and we sing. We keep vigil, waiting for Christ to return.

We’ll also have a baptism! What better way to greet the risen Christ than to welcome the newly baptized?

And after all of our waiting, we come to at last to the Great Alleluia – the moment we remember Christ’s springing forth from the tomb.

Come join us as we wait this holy night.

*Note this liturgy will involve incense.