Feeding our neighbors and our souls.
When the pandemic prevented St. Philippians from volunteering at Urban Ministries of Durham’s Community Cafe, the group pivoted to making sandwiches in their own homes. They quickly recruited other parishioners, friends and neighbors to make sandwiches that are packaged into bag lunches that are handed out to UMD clients. Each week the Brigadiers make and donate over 250 sandwiches, hundreds of homemade cookies and hundreds of pounds of fruit. The ministry has provided much needed food for hungry Durhamites and an opportunity for fellowship and meaningful work for the volunteers.

Make a Lenten Commitment to the Sandwich Brigade
We encourage you, and your friends and family to participate in the Sandwich Brigade for at least one Thursday during the season of Lent! It is simple to be a part of the sandwich brigade – 1 loaf of bread makes 10 sandwiches. Choose one of the following sandwich combinations: 2 slices of meat (any kind) OR 1 slice of meat (any kind) and 1 slice of cheese (any kind) OR two slices of cheese OR peanut butter (no jelly). We also welcome cases of water, snacks, fruit, and cookies (2/bag). Drop off is between 9:15-10:15 every Thursday. Please contact Stephanie Johnson to let her know if you are coming.
Who are the Sandwich Brigade Volunteers?
Every week for the past 10 months about 25 volunteers, including children have been making sandwiches, bringing fruit, water, and cookies for our neighbors at UMD. They are St. Philippians, friends, and relatives. It is a ministry to which they have been called to take ACTION to support those in need. Here is what one brigadier has to say about her experience:
My experience on the Sandwich Brigade has been a blessing during the Covid lockdown. I am not a member of St. Phillips but I was a very active member in my home church, St. Paul Methodist in Wytheville, VA. As chair of the hospitality committee, I loved feeding people. Being a part of St. Phillip’s group gives me those same feelings of fellowship and contribution. Thank you for allowing me to participate.