Acolytes serve at the 11 AM service and at special services throughout the year. Children can begin this ministry in third grade and continue through their teen years, culminating in a leadership position. Adults are also welcome to serve.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is the ministry of preparing and maintaining the vessels and vestments used at the altar. After members are trained, they then work together on rotating teams that are responsible for preparing the altar and church for the weekly services. There are also special tasks associated with holidays, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and memorial services.
Art Guild
St. Philip’s Art Guild was formed to encourage visual arts in the life of our church and to value the significance of visual imagery in spiritual formation and the development of faith. The guild is an affiliate member of the Episcopal Church Visual Arts national organization whose mission is to encourage artists, individuals, congregations, and scholars to engage the visual arts in the spiritual life of the church. We also advise the rector and vestry in the acquisition, display, and maintenance of artwork.
Chalice Bearers and Lay Readers
As our catechism explains, “The ministry of laypersons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.” In your call to worship at St. Philip’s, have you ever considered serving as a Chalice Bearer or Lay Reader, to take your place in the worship of the Church? These lay ministries provide an opportunity to participate in the service and become more familiar with the liturgies and seasons of our church life. We conduct a training session each September, and we look forward to welcoming new faces in these roles.
Flower Guild
The flower guild provides floral arrangements for Sunday and feast day services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and extensive decorations at Christmas and Easter. After services, flowers can be provided for delivery to those in crisis, illness, or grief. This work partners with donors (who give money for flower memorials and thanksgiving on specific Sundays) and Guild volunteers (who obtain and arrange flowers for an hour one Saturday morning per month). The Guild is open to all who like to arrange flowers following simple guidelines.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
These volunteers take Communion to parishioners who are shut-in or otherwise unable to come to church. For more information or to request a visit, please contact the clergy.
Lay Healing Ministry
The healing ministers quietly join with individual parishioners at the side altar during the 11 AM Eucharist to share a personal prayer for Christ to heal a sickness, injury, problem, or fear. If you have a calling to listen and pray with others, consider joining us.
Music at St. Philip’s
There are many ways to contribute to your Music Ministry. Music at the 11 AM service is led by a choir of parishioners and non-parishioners; a mix of volunteers, choral scholars, and professional singers. Our choir members spend hours each week perfecting musical praises to God. Whether you consider yourself a novice or an expert, there is probably a place for you. We can teach you what you need to know. While the choir may require the largest time commitment, there are several other ways for you to participate in the music ministry. Music at the 9 AM service is led by volunteer instrumentalists, who give their time regularly. If you are proficient with a musical instrument, there may be opportunities for you to play in worship on a regular or irregular basis. The music ministry can use non-performing people as well. There are regular clerical tasks that could be accomplished with minimal training and would be a huge help. These tasks might include maintaining the music library and organization of the choir room and choir office.
Teams of ushers at the 9 and 11 AM services collect the offering and provide directions and physical assistance to the congregation during Communion and otherwise, as needed.