2025 Lenten readings + Wednesday discussions

During Lent, the whole parish is invited to read a short chapter a day of Becoming Human, by Brian C. Taylor.

Taylor’s succinct summations of what Jesus taught – Don’t worry; Love everybody; Help the poor; Become simple; Face into conflict; Change the world; Forgive yourself for being human, and so on – provide the basis for this series of reflections on the transformative wisdom that inspired those who had ears to hear to drop everything and follow him.

We’ll also gather for discussion of the past week’s readings – Wednesday nights at 6:30. (For you non-joiners out there – you don’t have to join the discussions to read the book!)

Read the book

Get the book | Download the reading schedule

Wednesday Engage! discussions

March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9
6:30 p.m. • Library and Zoom

Questions? Please contact Associate Rector Gabe Lamazares (gabe@stphilipsdurham.org). 

Lent schedule

Other Wednesday night activities