On October 3rd, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Philip.
Celebrate with your fellow St. Philippians by wearing red
and enjoying a potluck lunch after the 11AM service.
Homecoming 2022
A day to enjoy fellowship and celebrate our community! Our fall of Come As You Are events,…
New Outdoor Learning Collaborative
A new ministry partners St. Philippians with parishioners at St. Titus to serve creation and local children.
Feeding Our UMD Neighbors
Our summer food drive has collected over 800 pounds of food, and there are several ways to continue to serve!
Flower Ministry Update
As the staff and clergy work to establish and update office administrative procedures, we are…
Summer 2022 Worship Schedule
8 AM – Eucharist (Masks Required) In-person | Sanctuary This is a simple said service…
We’re Hiring!
St. Philip’s is currently looking to hire a Minister for Communications (FT) and a Youth…
Brown Bag Lunches with Maryann & Gabe
To get to know both our new clergy, the Rector Transition Committee invites all parishioners…
Celebrating Pauli Murray
Annual Pauli Murray Service June 22, 7 PM at St. Titus’, Durham, and via live…
June Formation
When indicated, gatherings will be hybrid style. Join via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7997365834?pwd=SFM1eGc4NjFMeUR1QlZSYlhuaTFSQT09 Adult Forum Gatherings | 10 AM | Parish…