Nurturing conversation in order to create change.
Racial Justice and Reconciliation – “We Are All Criminals” presentation
The Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee invites you to a Zoom conversation on criminal justice…
Ryals Garden Committee Report – December 1, 2020
In 2018 the vestry appointed the Ryals Garden Committee to redesign the Garden Close. Starting…
Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade
Please join fellow members of the Durham community on Monday, January 20th in Durham’s annual Martin…
Jingle Bell LEAP 2019
The Jingle Bell LEAP runs on Dec 7th and supports the Latino Educational Achievement Partnership. Sign up today!
Share Your Christmas 2019
Share Your Christmas donations of umbrellas and backpacks are due by December 8th.
Thanksgiving Kids in Action
Kids-in-Action will make pumpkin pies for UMD on Nov 13 at 6:30 pm.
Stagville Tour
Tour the Stagville Plantation historic site on November 9th and learn more about its connections to St. Philip’s.
Durham Pride
Everyone is invited to participate in celebrating Durham’s and St. Philip’s LGBTQ+ community on September 28.