Annual Meeting and Vestry Elections Sunday, February 12 8 AM: Eucharist in Chapel 10 AM:…
Come-As-You-Are Ministry Fair
Join us January 22 for the Come-as-you-are Ministry Fair – where you’ll find 31 different…
Advent Food and Warmth Drive
Give food and warmth for #ReverseAdventGiving. This holiday season, St. Philip’s is partnering with Urban…
Caring for Each Other
Some of the meaningful ways that we “take care” here at St. Philip’s.
New Outdoor Learning Collaborative
A new ministry partners St. Philippians with parishioners at St. Titus to serve creation and local children.
Feeding Our UMD Neighbors
Our summer food drive has collected over 800 pounds of food, and there are several ways to continue to serve!
Durham CAN
Durham CAN is an organization of congregations, associations, and neighborhoods that works for social justice in…
Stewardship in Action: Sept. 26
WORSHIP: Join us for services Sunday morning, September 26, in person or via live-streaming LOVE: Your pledge…
East Main Affordable Housing Update
You may have noticed fences going up around 300 E. Main Street. We are very…
Jail Ministry
We hear their names in church most Sundays but know nothing about their circumstances, other…