New vestry members: Serving through January 2028

Sunday, February 2, 2025 – Thanks to everyone who participated in our 2025 annual meeting! It was a joy to be together, celebrate last year’s work, and look toward the future. Here’s a re-cap.

We elected four new vestry members: Heather Beard, John Bowman, Caroline Wang, and Emily Yeatts. The new members will serve three-year terms through January of 2028. And we welcomed new vestry leadership, Senior Warden Marty Nelson and Junior Warden Mike Uhl.

Huge thanks to all the nominees who were willing to serve and to our outgoing vestry members.

In addition, Maryann gave her fourth annual State-of-the-Church address (video below), we took a look back at last year’s successes and challenges, discussed the parish’s finances, heard ministry and discernment updates, and looked forward to future opportunities. High points: We discussed The Trees’ plans to move from discernment into a development phase, and we had a great time discussing our new vision statement.

Keep scrolling for more! 

Maryann’s State-of-the-Church address

The Rev. Maryann D. Younger delivered her fourth annual State-of-the-Church Address: “There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place.” Download text

Our new vision statement

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church is a beacon of God’s light and love in downtown Durham.

See full vision statement.

Have you seen our new vision statement? Outgoing Senior Warden Rebecca Hix led us in exploring the vision statement and how we might live into it.