Tenebrae Service: Wednesday, March 27,
7 p.m. in Parish Hall

The word Tenebrae is Latin for “shadows” or “darkness.” It can also be translated as “night” or “death.” The word calls our attention to scriptural accounts of Christ’s crucifixion, when “darkness came over the whole land” (Mark 15:33; Matthew 27:45, Luke 23:44).

The Tenebrae service is an ancient Christian tradition recalling the somber events of Jesus’ last days, beginning with the Last Supper and ending with his burial. During Tenebrae, candles are extinguished one by one as scripture and music tell the story of Holy Week. The gradual descent into gloom is a representation of Jesus’ increasing sorrow as the events of Passion Week unfolded.

At the end of the service, a loud noise is sounded representing the closing of Christ’s tomb. All depart in silence in the shadows cast by a solitary candle.

Join us for this somber yet beautiful service of Holy Week.