It’s never good when you have to put out buckets to catch leaks.

Please prayerfully consider a one-time gift toward our roof repairs. Any amount helps, no matter the size.

It’s never good when you have to put out buckets to catch leaks. That’s the state our roof was in before we started repairs last month. During one stormy Sunday, a stream of water started flowing into the chapel – that’s when our roof situation became an emergency.

Thanks be to God, we already had most of the funds on hand and could start work quickly. But there was a gap: The project budget exceeded our recommended withdrawal amount by about $200,000.

As of July, we’ve raised almost $150,000 of that gap. Thank you to all the generous folks who’ve donated!

Now we need everyone’s help raising the remaining $50,000.

Please prayerfully consider a one-time gift toward our roof repairs. Any amount helps, no matter the size.

Donate online, or write “Roof Fund” in your check’s memo line. Together, we can ensure St. Philip’s will stand strong for many generations to come – without the buckets.

Learn more about our roof renovation