Serving Lunch at UMD
Urban Ministries of Durham (410 Liberty St, Durham, NC 27701, United States)Every first Saturday, a group from St. Philip's preps and serves lunches for our Urban…
Every first Saturday, a group from St. Philip's preps and serves lunches for our Urban…
Every first Saturday, a group from St. Philip's preps and serves lunches for our Urban…
8 AM – Eucharist In-Person – Chapel This is a simple said service without music.…
9 AM – Intergenerational Service with Eucharist In-Person – Parish Hall This service uses inclusive…
9 AM – Intergenerational Service with Eucharist In-Person – Parish Hall This service uses inclusive…
10 AM – Formation Hour Sunday Adult Forum – In-Person (Parish House) and Online (Zoom)…
11 AM – Eucharist with Choir In-Person – Church Online – Facebook, YouTube | Download…
Please join us in the Parish Hall for coffee, lemonade, and light snacks directly after…
Please join us in the Parish Hall for coffee, lemonade, and light snacks directly after…
Join this lively group for great fellowship and conversations in the Parlor once a month.…