March, 18, 2020

Dear Friends,

I hope you are well.  I know from our conversations that many of you are facing significant changes and disruptions in light of the Coronavirus.  It’s one thing to profess the wisdom of social distancing, yet quit a different undertaking to organize a life around it.  I offer this from current and direct personal experience.  But God is with us and God will see us through.  Of this, I am absolutely certain!!!

Related to this, I share with you the following developments:

1)      Extension of Suspension: Our Bishops have extended the suspension of all in-person worship and gatherings until May 17th.  That is, as you know, well past Easter.  I cannot tell you, as of now, what Holy Week and Easter will look like.  However, I trust that with the Diocesan support offered in the Bishops’ email, we will figure it out. Yesterday I met with the clergy and staff and we have established a schedule of offerings that will not only anchor us during this period, but provide us with a foundation that can evolve as time progresses.

2)      New Worship Guidelines –  We have been instructed by our bishops to limit the number of people present for recorded and livestream worship and other offerings to a maximum of 4 participants and up to 2 communications/technical specialists. This means that we will not be able to have our full complement of Sunday clergy and staff as part of the offering each week. We know it’s important that we participate and that you see or hear us, and people will be present online and via video, so please don’t worry if not everyone is there every week.

3)      Communications: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE EPISTLE!  Our weekly Epistle e-newsletter will continue to be shared every Thursday.  However, in an effort to control the number of emails we circulate, the Epistle will serve as our primary source of communications.  It will contain only the most relevant items – schedule, formation resources, updates, etc.  We will still send out video messages, invites to Zoom gatherings and other items as needed, but the Epistle will serve as the mainstay of our communications. If you know of people who do not receive the Epistle, please ask them to email our parish administrator, Janice Glasser, to be added to the email list (

4)      Parish Office: As of today the staff are to work from home.  Each staff member has access to the church’s computer system, so the work, ministry and mission of the parish can continue.  Janice and Gwenetta will still come in twice a week to collect mail, pay bills and clean. We go on!

I know this period is hard.  We are facing challenges we have never experienced, nor possibly ever thought we would experience.  And, no doubt, we are feeling a range of emotions, fears and anxieties.  Some of us may even be struggling with our faith.  Please know that Sally, Jill and I are always available to talk.  You are not alone.  Humanity has faced countless trials throughout history, and for the past 2,000 years our fellowship and faith in Christ has provided the hope, comfort and strength to carry each generation through its challenges.

In closing, I offer the following prayer that our bishops shared yesterday: 

A Prayer for Our Nation and the World in the Light of this Pandemic

Ever-creating God, be with us as the pall of this COVID-19 pandemic falls upon this “fragile earth” which is our “island home.” We hold in our hearts and prayers all who are suffering in our nation from “sea to shining sea.” We pray for the whole world. Our common anxiety is making us one, undivided human family. We pray for world leaders as they chart these unknown waters. Strengthen them to walk into the Light of a new, healing day for the whole planet. Help us to cross our broken lands and be for each other bridges back to heaven. Lift the cares to which we cling. Descend, O God, on us all to be our Guest. Show us how to find in everything blessing and rest. May this be our prayer while we do not know how to pray and until the last light lingers in the west. Amen, in the name of our creating, redeeming and sustaining God.

Please remember one another in your prayers, and keep the faith.

In Christ,
